Haiti Kids Now to Global Kids Now

The staff at Haiti Kids Now, would like to sincerely thank you for your committed contribution to our non-profit organization which has supported our efforts in providing for and educating, academically and spiritually, the streets kids in Haiti.

The Haiti Kids Now has been helping the street kids in Haiti since we first formed the organization in 2009.

Recently, our corporate officers made the wonderful decision to expand its reach beyond the walls of Haiti. We have seen amazing growth in these kids and realized it is time to go the stretch by not limiting the possibilities to only the kids in Haiti.

We understand that poverty, unfortunately, exists in all nations around the world and believe it is our God-given duty and desire to serve the poor and needy globally.

God has called His disciples to go out into all the world to feed the hungry, to give drink to the thirsty, to clothe the naked, and to save the lost and desolate with His gift of salvation. This is our calling and we ask that you will continue to stand with us as we move into this new expansion outreach.

In order to accommodate this expansion, we have made a change to our organization’s name, from Haiti Kids Now to Global Kids Now.

This new name will allow us to take your gifts globally to all children anywhere and everywhere possible in this world.

The new Global Kids Now will take effect as of September 1, 2014, therefore, we ask that your financial gifts be written out to: GLOBAL KIDS NOW.

The officers and staff at Global Kids Now are very excited for this new venture. We know that this outreach could not be possible without you, therefore, we offer our humble gratitude to you for your cooperation and your contributions, and most certainly for your decision to help our team reach God’s children around the world! May God richly bless you and your family always!

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