Septemeber 2014 Update

Emmanuel Charles who was a former street kid and who is featured in our documentary 'Innocence Abandoned Street Kids of Haiti' has 8 street kids. They are currently sheltered at our orphanage. Here is Kids: Angelo 12 years. Jhony 14 years old, he lost one leg from Haiti devastated earthquake in January...

Biography of Emmanuel Charles

When I met first Emmanuel Charles, he was quite and soft spoken. He was very willing to learn things and had been through much in his 21 years as a street child in Haiti. Today he has his own orphanage in Port au Prince with 9 street kids that he...

Williams Deralien

Williams Deralien Age: 11 years old (information provided by Jimmy Pierre) Williams is a Orphans don’t have Mother and Father .Williams Familie’s is dead in the Years 2004 . It’s UN is killed Williams families because the way Williams families is lived is very badly ways and this make the UN is...