Zicky Cauvin Charles

Zicky Cauvin Charles
Age: 14 years old

My parents died of fever (HIV). I was on the street by myself for a long time. Maybe about 4 years. I’ve been living with this lady for about 2 years who just so happened to pick me up on the street. She had me to wash dishes and carry water to her with buckets on my head. She also had me to take care of her donkeys. Feed them, wash them down and everything. She always beats me with big palm tree branches and hits me upside the head with pots and pans. Her name is “YaYa”. After she finished beating me, she have me to sit down still without saying a word or moving for a very long time, then she would make me go away from her to play. She doesn’t have a real house either. She made me sleep outside with the donkeys. I couldn’t take the way she treats me anymore so I thought living nowhere would be better. I ran away.”

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